Fruit & Drain Flies
Drosophilidae, Psychodidae
1/8in to 3/16in long
General Information
In warm weather, fruit and drain flies can grow from an egg to an adult in just 7-14 days. So, if these tiny flies are fluttering around your kitchen, it’s best to take quick action. Find out where they breed, what attracts them, and how to help get rid of drain and fruit flies.
Common names for indoor breeding flies include fruit flies, drain flies, vinegar flies, moth flies, and fungus gnats.
Drain and fruit fly larvae, or “maggots“, are very small and often not even noticeable.
These small flies breed in drains/garbage disposals, moist flower pots, garbage cans, ripening fruit, or around any dampness created by plumbing leaks.
Fruit flies are looking for decaying food to eat and use as a breeding site.
Fruit and drain flies can be annoying and will multiply quickly unless promptly controlled.
They contaminate our food by laying their eggs on things we eat.
The trick to solving a fruit or drain fly problem is to locate and remove any items that are attracting them:
Eat, refrigerate, or discard over-ripe fruits and vegetables.
Empty garbage cans regularly.
Rinse out recyclables before placing them in the bin and be sure to empty the bin regularly.
Thoroughly rinse mops after each use.
Use a wire brush or drain cleaner to remove eggs/larvae from drains.